They combined premium saddle leather, double-stitched seams and hand-molded fit to create the Combat Master(TM), a holster of exceptional quality. The open top design offers a swift draw and presentation, while detailed molding provides secure retention. The butt-forward cant allows effective concealment of even a large defensive handgun. The Combat Master has an open muzzle and fits belts up to 1 3/4". It is made for semiautomatic pistols and double action revolvers.
Features :
- Premium steerhide
- Full slide and barrel coverage
- Butt-forward cant
- Traditional pancake design
- ,Fits belts up to 1.75,
SELLCOPY;GALCM158B;,They combined premium saddle leather,, double-stitched seams and hand-molded fit to create the Combat Master(TM),, a holster of exceptional quality. The open top design offers a swift draw and presentation,, while detailed molding provides secure retention. The butt-forward cant allows effective concealment of even a large defensive handgun. The Combat Master has an open muzzle and fits belts up to 1 3/4"". It is made for semiautomatic pistols and double action revolvers.,