Mesa Tacticals LEO Gen II Telescoping Stock adapter and pistol grip system for the Rem V3 semi-automatic shotgun is made specifically with professional operators in mind. The LEO Stock adapter system is designed to allow shooters the ability to fit AR style collapsible stocks and pistol grips onto their shotguns, while allowing use of open or bead sights. The versatile telescoping stock adapter system can be fitted with a standard AR-15 grip and telescoping stock, which enables tactical operators to instantly adjust the length of pull of the telescoping stock in order to accommodate differences in individual body sizes or use of body armor.
Features :
- The pistol grip has been angled forward several degrees, similar to an M1911, to provide more space above and behind the grip
- The enhanced grip angle allows the use of highly comfortable beavertail AR-15 grips such as the ERGO Grip
- The end plate engages the adapter low on the sides instead of at the top, so operators are less likely to come into contact with it under recoil
- All LEO Gen II Telescoping Stock Adapters include Mesa Tacticals innovative (and widely copied) pocket hook loops and sling loops